STOP Learning Every New Tech NOW. You are putting your Dev Career at RISK...

Are you one of the countless developers that are passionate about learning?

I think we all are!
With so many new things, learning more, faster and better is at the core of our profession.


What if I told you that learning every new technology is one of the WORST WAY to grow our careers?

This belief is actually the reason that developers feel bad, incompetent and tired

Maybe you are one of the many developers that feel overwhelmed…

Maybe you struggle to keep up with technology. Get discouraged, out of time, and feel like you are falling behind your peers… 

I’ve been there… 

For me, learning has always been a passion!

But at the same time, I felt overwhelmed with the amount I had to do it…
(I tried to trick myself saying it was a challenge…)

And, it’s not only me and you!
I hear this all the time from developers. 

In my last series of career workshops, some of the most frequently asked questions included:

Too many things to learn…
Not enough time…
How to learn better…
How to learn faster…
Not sleeping enough…
How to achieve work/life balance…

Sounds familiar to you?

And you may be thinking… But Bruno, I love what I do, and I love getting better at it!

Yes, and this is great!

But feeling overwhelmed is not fun…

It’s a constant struggle, distracts you from doing what matters, you feel stuck and feel you are not getting results…

This is not great…

If you keep long at it, you start feeling that you don’t deserve, you are not good enough, that you are an impostor… 

It is really sad when amazing developers like you feel that way.

Maybe you are feeling like this because you don’t see a lot of results from all the learning…

You don’t get promoted, or your salary is stale, or you don’t get chances to do cool stuff in your work…

Maybe it is because you got rejected at one or more interviews…

Or you didn’t get responses after applying for jobs…

Maybe you watch events and talks online, and you compare yourself to “those developers”, and you realize that YOU DON’T KNOW enough about this or that technology…

If you are feeling overwhelmed and not good enough, I have something to tell you.

My name is Bruno Souza, and since 1995 I help developers like you to grow in their careers, get amazing results and work on the coolest jobs in the industry. 

During those 20+ years, I’ve helped developers become consultants, international speakers, Java Champions, and Microsoft MVPs. Also to become open-source developers, book authors, TEDx speakers, and of course, work at top companies… 

And much more…

I can tell you that YOU CAN feel great about your learning and you can get amazing results in your career! 

Yes, there is a way to learn and grow technically, that will keep you up-to-date with the technology. 


It will get you working on the BEST jobs!

  • You can work on amazing projects, with great teams.
  • Take your career anywhere you want.
  • You can stop feeling overwhelmed, and become confident and recognized.
  • You can have amazing results, make more money, be respected by your peers.
  • You can have financial freedom and life-work balance. Your family can live better and spend time with you!

If you are feeling discouraged right now, you are not alone…

Every day I see experienced developers telling me that they can’t get a great job. They got rejected at interviews, often don’t even get a response.

Or that they don’t have the courage to even apply for those jobs… 

Developers tell me that they feel like that because they don’t know this or that technology. 

And they believe this is the reason that they don’t grow and don’t get accepted at jobs.

If this is you, and you feel not only overwhelmed but also outdated…

It gets to you…

You burn-out. You have no time for your family or to enjoy life.

Or… You give time to your family and blame your lack of results on them…

This is a terrible burden to carry all around…

Now… While you are feeling like this…

Others are having amazing success!

Every day I see other developers being called for the most amazing opportunities. 

And companies tell me they are looking for people and can’t find them.

A few days ago I had lunch with 3 recruiters, looking for a staggering 400 developers, for a-m-a-z-i-n-g positions!

With so many perks, that they gave me a 50+ page booklet to list all the cool stuff!

Yes, there are amazing opportunities in the market. 

But if they are not being offered to you, you have no way yo know about them…

Can you imagine? 

Great opportunities, perfect for you, that you don’t even know about, and there is no place to search for them?

Does that seem fair? 

When that happens, you miss out on the best projects… 

You end up feeling guilty, incompetent.

You don’t understand why you don’t get the best results.

But you know what? 

Once you know how to be up-to-date, and how to get amazing jobs…

Once you practice and learn the right way…

Once you understand how the job market works…

You can take control of your career!


And take your career wherever YOU want it to go!

I have seen many developers turn things around once they started focusing, and stopped trying to learn everything.

Like Elder, an enterprise developer.

Even though he had more than 15 years of experience, he still felt what you may be feeling, overwhelmed and incompetent. Elder was worried that he would be unable to even provide for his family. 

Shortly after that, his worst nightmares turned true… He got laid off, because his company moved to another technology… 

Elder struggled… 

But eventually he found a focus and stopped trying to learn everything, and turned his life around. Elder took control of his career! 

In three months, Elder went from no-focus to receiving an offer for an amazing job! 

He even found time to write a book, where he told the above story. 

Now, Elder has his own product, just moved to a larger apartment, and has big plans for his life and family.

How would YOU feel if you could turn your life around?

Dorival went through a similar situation…

A competent developer, Dorival was unable to keep up with technology. 

He kept looking and applying for jobs, but only got bad results. He had debts — both in money and learning — and was trying to do many things at once and learn everything. 

When it looked like things couldn’t get any worst, Dorival lost his job… 

But Dorival was getting ready. He had just got clarity on his focus! He also decided on the results he wanted and changed from learning many things to acquiring the relevant skills. 

Dorival took control of his career! 

That was a new life. In a matter of a few days, Dorival was hired to work with microservices and some cool new tech. Even working in another city! 

He even found time to become a speaker and has thousands of views on his YouTube videos. Dorival is planning to go international, and is looking forward to do a lot more!

Losing your job is pretty rock bottom… Hopefully you don’t ever have to deal with that!

Rodrigo didn’t have to deal with losing his job. With nearly 10 years of career, Rodrigo felt something you may be feeling now: outdated and only working with old technologies.

He wanted to experiment with new things, but his company didn’t let him.

So, he would wake up very early in the morning and study for many hours before going to work. 

But nothing happened. 

Trying to learn more and more wasn’t improving Rodrigo’s situation at all. And after many years of no changes, Rodrigo was discouraged. 

But… He found his focus and clarity on what results he wanted. 

That changed everything!

In a single year, Rodrigo sparked changes inside his company. He changed jobs. Found time to co-write a book, became a speaker.

Now, Rodrigo got hired for his dream job: he’s now a devops specialist inside a game company. In Canada!

Focus is what will get YOU in control of your career. And it’s the catalyst that sparks a lot of changes. Professionally and personally.

I see stories like those — of developers taking control of their careers — happening all the time.

And the real issue here is that developers are not specialists in learning, and try to learn and grow technically in very ineffective ways…

Maybe you are one of the many developers that think you have to study for many hours and have to read lots of books and take certifications to grow. 

Maybe you feel like Elder, and get upset and anxious that you don’t know all the tools and technologies that people are talking at events, blogs, and YouTube…

Or maybe, like Dorival, you think that you are underqualified for the job offers you see online…

And you worry about stories of how companies have this crazy, long, strict hiring process…

And you hear how this company and that company use amazing technologies. Things you don’t know and will never learn…

And you get upset that in your current company or position you have no opportunities to learn those new things.

It’s no wonder you end up feeling bad about yourself, and about your current job.

All that pushes you to learn everything and try to keep up-to-date. 

And you invest time learning new things. Usually like Rodrigo: outside your working hours…

And you make a long list of things you HAVE TO learn before you can even have a chance!

And you read blogs, and listen to podcasts, and spend all available time learning things…

And when it looks like you will be ready, there are even more things to learn…

And more things…

Is there a way out of this?

Because… This is just the way our market works, right?

Look, I’ll be honest with you…

I totally understand that you feel confused and lost. It is not your fault!

We have been fed the idea that there is a meritocracy culture in the technology world.

The best win the best positions! 

And, “best” are those that know “everything”!

This “meritocracy” culture is a smokescreen… People like to believe that they deserve to be there, so they believe in it.

I’m OK with people believing they got there because they deserve it! They worked hard, and they achieved it, great!

But… This gets a lot of people like you to believe that you don’t “get there” because you don’t deserve! 

Or worst… You start to believe that success comes from the many hours of learning… So, you need to do more of that!

And you have to work harder, and learn more, and spend more hours studying, and, and, and… 

What if I told you that this is not how the market works? And that the meritocracy thing does not work like this?

There are amazing developers that don’t get “there” NOT because they are not good enough. But because they believe in this “meritocracy”, and believe that they will get there when they become good enough!

And since they never “get there”, this is proof they are not good enough (yet!),  and they just HAVE TO learn more…

This gets into a vicious cycle of self-bashing, defeat and burnout…

The reality is that people offering the best positions are not looking for an all-star-know-everything developer. 

They are looking for someone that can solve a real problem

A BIG, real problem!

The bigger the problem, the more valuable the position is!

Here is an important question for you:

What problem do YOU solve?

And… How BIG is that problem?

What separates the top expert developers from the struggling ones is your FOCUS on solving BIG problems. 

Let me tell you a secret: writing lines of code in a particular programming language is not a very compelling big problem…

NOW is the time to be amazing at solving BIG problems!

Think about it: 

  • software is eating the world. Every company is a software company. Everyone needs great developers that can solve big problems;
  • the world is a village. The internet has made the world smaller, and you can meet and work with people from anywhere. You don’t have to limit yourself to your region or your city: the best projects are just an internet connection away!
  • the best developers are all connected and easily accessible because of open source. You can join the club TODAY.

There has never been a better time to be a software developer!

With so many people telling you how much you need to learn and how fast the technology changes, I understand that you are a bit skeptical…

I’ve been there…

As a consultant, and worldwide known as the “Brazilan Java Man”, everywhere I go, in every new customer, people have one of two expectations: 

Either that I know everything about Java… 

Or that I don’t know anything, and I’m just a self-promoted, “stage developer”… 

Since I participated in some of the largest Java projects in the world, I hope you will agree with me that neither of those is true. 

But both expectations put on me the pressure that I indeed HAD TO know everything! 

I had to prove myself time and time again… 

I constantly felt overwhelmed, with no time for anything, and on the verge of burnout… 

I have the scars of not being with my family when they needed me…

I know the pain of not spending birthdays and school plays with my kids…

It still haunts me how much my wife felt alone and ignored while I was chasing the latest shiny technology…

And talking with many (many many!) developers and technical people like you, I noticed that this is a common thread in our industry… 

That gets perpetuated all the time. 

We believe in the meritocracy lie. And it dictates that only those that know everything are worth the job, the position, the respect.

But as a consultant, I realized something else… 

With all my studies, with all the things I HAD to know… 

When I really needed something and had to apply to a real project… 

I would look at things that I had studied… 

And… I didn’t remember them!

I had to resort to searching for things online and re-read books and blogs all over again! 

For me, it seemed that I was doing the learning twice…

That’s when I started to experiment with learning processes and how to be more efficient. 

I had to understand how the brain works. How to remember things. How to learn better and faster.

And after many years, working with many developers, and experimenting with many techniques…

After understanding the more recent scientific discoveries around the brain and expertise… 

Do you know what I found out? 

It is not the learning that matters…

What matters are the SKILLS that you acquire!

And more: skills are not acquired by studying. 

We only get skills by doing it!

And… It’s not every “doing” that create skills. Different skills require different types of doing.

But the best is that once you know 

How to acquire skills.
How to solve BIG problems.
How to focus on what matters

Then the meritocracy pressure stops affecting you. You see across the smokescreen. And you get free from the pressure.

In fact, you learn that the pressure IS NOT EVEN THERE!

Once you defeat the meritocracy mentality, you can really start to succeed!

This is where The Developer Skill Mastery System can help you. 

Finding your FOCUS and giving you clarity on WHAT and HOW to acquire the RIGHT SKILLS.

In The Developer Skill Mastery System, I put together the best science and techniques to help you go after your biggest dreams!

You will understand how to grow your career and what the best developers do differently.

You will acquire the exact skills you need to grow, and apply them to your project today.

You will develop the skills needed to create unlimited growth, so you can forge your own path to success.

Let’s dive in and see how this program can help you?

Module 1: Find your Focus for Career Success

  • Are you lost in the many things to learn and study?
  • Do you get anxiety when you see all the things you don’t know?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed and not good enough?
  • Do you use job offers to add things to your “to-learn” list, in hopes you can eventually land that amazing position?

Lack of focus is one of the biggest problems that prevent developers from growing…

An even bigger problem is the notion that “focus” is the technology you study…

Focus is NOT “java” or “kotlin”.

Focus is NOT “big data”, “cloud” or “data science”.

Focus is the BIG PROBLEM that YOU solve.

Once you figure out your focus, your doubts disappear.

You KNOW what technologies to study. What JOBs you even want to work on. 

You have clarity on WHAT you need to do. 

When you have FOCUS, you use YOUR TIME to advance, instead of just being busy.

How much can your career advance if you invest your time on what really matters?

On Module 1 you will:

  • Understand how to Learn New Technologies, so you can go deep on the things that matter to you.
  • Have a clear way to Find Your Focus, so you don’t have to guess how to do it!
  • Apply your Focus to Your Whole Life, and make it even more valuable.
  • You will define a Focus that is not Too Broad, nor Too Narrow.
  • And you will apply the 5 Orders of Ignorance, to eliminate the anxiety and help you become an amazing developer.

We won’t play around and waste time with theory. Starting at module 1 you will go directly to the most important part: what matters to YOU!


Module 2: Reach your Objectives by Getting Clarity

Once you have a clear FOCUS, it is time to know where we want to get to, and making sure we reach it!

  • Do you start things and never finish, or you do many things at the same time, not sure what is best?
  • Do you feel like you are not going anywhere, or that your career improves (or fails) by chance and luck?
  • Do you get lost on what you will do today to advance to the next level?
  • Are you unhappy with your job, or how much money you make, or that your company doesn’t value you enough?
  • Do you lack the time to advance, and feel that your company does not invest in you?

One big issue I see with developers is that we start very strong in the beginning of our careers… 

The first few years are easy!
(believe it or not!)

In the beginning, we don’t need to do much: every small thing we do or learn, we improve and grow. 

But after the first few years…

This stops being true.

What got us here, won’t take us there!

And we need to do things — different things — to keep growing.

When we don’t have clarity on our goals and dreams, we are like a leaf blown by the wind. 

Things just happen, and we don’t really know why or how to replicate it.

But when you achieve clarity on your goals, you know what you need to do. 

You finish things because they are important — or you let them go because they are not. 

You have a plan and won’t depend on luck to get where you want. 

With clarity, there are no more reasons to complain about our company or project. You know what you can do. Right here where you are. So you can get to where YOU want to be.

On Module 2, you will define your Clear Objectives.

  • You will discover What is Your REAL Dream, and how to achieve it.
  • During this module, you will Go Deep into Your Goals, get clarity and understanding.
  • And finally, you will Turn Your Dreams into SMART Goals, so you can have a plan and start applying it to your life.

Module 2 will help you understand what Career Success really means, and how to go after it in a consistent way.

And this is just the beginning…


Module 3: Get the Right Skills Through Practice

Now that you have clarity, we can focus on getting the right skills.

  • Are you overwhelmed with learning?
  • Do you feel you know a little of many things, but not deep enough to make a difference or to get an AMAZING job?
  • Are you studying many hours every day or week to catch up, and still feel behind?
  • Do you worry that you don’t know enough?

You are not alone… Developers are passionate about learning and go to great lengths to learn everything they can.


Learning is not — or should not be — the goal. 

What really matters, what differentiates the expert from the novice, what even changes — physically — your brain…

Are the Skills you acquire.

Do you want to work in the best jobs? Become an expert able to solve BIG problems?

You need to acquire and build skills.

The right skills!

Module 3 will show you how to acquire the necessary skills to become a great developer. 

Once you practice deliberately, your career will blossom and go to where you want.

You will stop feeling overwhelmed and will go deep on the things that make a real difference. 

You will stop wasting time studying with no results. 

You won’t feel behind and you will solve big problems that can get you amazing opportunities.

Module 3 will go deep into skills. 

  • You will understand the difference between Knowledge and Skills, so you don’t fall into this trap again.
  • You start Practicing correctly and deliberately.
  • You will stop feeling bad and will Become Comfortable Being Uncomfortable, so you can go deep where it matters.
  • You will apply important Productivity Hacks that will get you practicing better to acquire skills faster.

By the end of Module 3, you will feel confident that you have what it takes to take control of your career.


Module 4: Take Control of Your Own Career.

Now that you have your focus, you are going after your dreams and have the skills to get there, it’s time to think about your career.

Developers grow fast at the beginning of their careers, but quite frequently they get stuck in a plateau.

A plateau is a good place. 

You know what you are doing.
You understand the technologies and challenges.
You make good money.

It’s comfortable.

Too comfortable…

And then… When you least expect… You are stuck.

You stop growing.

But it doesn’t have to be like this.

And you may be stuck for months and even years. With no way to grow and no path forward…

There is a skill that you can master to always get your career growing again.

And once you acquire that skill in Module 4, you will be the one to decide when it is time to be comfortable, and when it is time to move up. 

Module 4 will give you the tools and skills to take control of your career. 

  • You will understand the 6 Steps You can take to put Your Career on Track.
  • You will acquire the ONE Skill that gets Your Career always Moving Forward.
  • And you will apply a strong Positive Feedback Loop, which will spiral your career to the stratosphere.

With those 4 steps, you will take back control of your career, and take it to new heights.

But this is not all.

I’ve got a few more things for you…

As soon as you join The Developer Skill Mastery System, you will also receive:

Special FREE Bonus #1

A Private One on One
Career Coaching Session with My Team
($197 Value)


I know how hard it is to do things alone, and having to figure things out yourself…

In the beginning of my career, I took some decisions that put me in a different path then my friends… And I felt pretty alone… Not sure what to do, which path to take…

I was very fortunate to have a boss that was also a great friend, and helped me think about what I needed to do.

I want to extend that same help to you.

If you invest in your growth, and in our community, I’ll invest my team’s time back into you.

During the coaching call we will help you:

  • Crystallize Your Vision For Your Career Goals
  • Eliminate the BIGGEST Limitation that Prevents You from Achieving Your Dreams
  • Discuss a Plan of Action For You to Grow 5x Faster in Your Career

I understand that taking control of our careers is HARD… But we can think together, and make your dreams a reality!



Value: US$ 197 – FREE for YOU if you act NOW

Special FREE Bonus #2

Best Developer Job Ever!

Once you have focus, and your career is moving in the right direction… How can you get the Best Developer Job?

To help you get the best and most amazing jobs, I’ll give you my book for FREE!

This book will show you the 5 steps to get the best jobs in the industry.

It will show you how to align your strengths and weaknesses to position you for the right opportunities.

You will discover the truth behind job posts and job interviews.

And you will stop chasing after jobs that are not for you, and attract to you amazing positions with no competition.

When you join The Developer Skills Mastering System, you will get TOTALLY FREE my book Best Developer Job Ever!

Value: Life Changing! My gift for you today.

Let’s be honest here…

How much would be worth to you taking your career to where you want, and make your dreams a reality?

If you increase your value in the market, and negotiate a raise — or maybe get a new job — that pays just 10% more than you earn now, how much would that be worth next year? 5,000? 10,000? 12,000?

The Developer Skill Mastery System could easily be worth many thousands of dollars. Per year. For the rest of your life.

Would you pay 1,000 to make an extra 10,000 next year?

But don’t worry. For a limited time, it won’t cost you nearly that much!

I think every developer should learn how to solve this learning issue. That’s why my idea is to make this very easy for you.

If I charge a lot of money for this program, many developers won’t take it…

I thought about doing it for free…

How much people value free stuff? The truth is, there is a ton of free content out there… You can learn anything just watching YouTube…


This is not about learning…

And it is not about watching YouTube…

If all you are looking for is free content, there is a lot of it out there (including in my YouTube channel).

But I wanted to do something that I could support you personally!

That we could work together to get you growing.

I’m putting my time in this, and I want to focus my efforts on people that are willing to put the effort.

So, I thought of a price that would be a good price for those that are REALLY committed to make a BIG career jump.

For you to have access to The Developer Skill Mastering System, with all the 4 modules, your investment will be of only

97 dollars

and more…

Special Bonus #3

During January 2020, I recorded some very special material about Skills, including a special class on Planning and 3 classes on Skills.

Those were live, online calls, focused on helping YOU achieve YOUR dreams.

I’m adding all those calls to the program. So YOU can have access to even more guidance for your career!

So… It’s time to decide…

Let’s recap…

  • The Developer Skill Mastering System - $97
  • Bonus: 45 min, 1-on-1 career session - $197 FREE TODAY!
  • Bonus: Best Developer Job Ever! eBook - $4 FREE TODAY!
  • Bonus: 4 special classes about Planning and Skills - $498 FREE TODAY!
  • Total value $796

You will get everything for only US$97.


I understand we are on weird times… And you still want to invest in your career. So… I want to give you a break, so you can make an easier decision to invest in yourself.

So… For a limited time, I’m keeping the special launch price. That was a price I did for the first few people that joined this program.

So… Today only…

You will get ALL not for 796. Not for 97

The Developer Skill Mastery System

Normaly US$97 — Today US$47!

This is certainly not free… But it is an insignificant value compared to the return this program can bring to your career.

I’m sure if Rodrigo had imagined he would achieve his lifelong dream in such a short time, he would have no problem in investing $1000, $2000 or more to achieve that.

A single skill that you gain with The Developer Skill Mastering System can make you multiple times the investment in this program.

And the The Developer Skill Mastering System will go way beyond a single skill.

And as soon as you put things in practice, you can multiply many times your results in your career.

All of this can be yours TODAY if you act now.

And you can do this without any worry, because I will GUARANTEE this program for you!

No risk for you!

Joining The Developer Skills Mastering System is ZERO RISK for you.

I want you to be at the top of your game. To have amazing results.

So I’m giving you my NO RISK, 21 days warranty.

That way, you can try The Developer Skills Mastering System without any worry.

Go on, apply the techniques, get early results, start moving up.

If the program doesn’t work for you, just let me know, and I’ll return your money, no questions asked.

And you can even keep the Best Developer Job Ever! book. My gift to honor your commitment and investment in yourself.

I do this because I understand that feeling stuck and overwhelmed is a heavyweight on your shoulders…

And I don’t want you having to worry about stuff to start getting free from this burden.

Join me, figure out your focus. If that doesn’t solve things for you, you lost nothing.

On the contrary: you will have learned more about yourself and your dreams, and how that can lend you a great job.

So, there are just wins!


If you are this far here with me, you already understand that learning is not the objective. You need to acquire skills.

You saw that having a clear focus makes all the difference.

And that there is a way to always grow in your career.


From here, I see three paths forward…

One: you can ignore all you just read, and do nothing. Just continue on the path of learning.

Trying to learn everything. And keeping up-to-date the wrong way…

Believing in the “meritocracy”, and that once you are good enough, you will break through!

And you can keep dreaming of amazing jobs that one day you will be good enough to apply for…

You can continue to feel stuck and discouraged because you are not growing…

Or feel bad because you send resumes and apply online for dream jobs and never get called for interviews…

And feel even worse because you go to interviews and never pass the crazy questions and whiteboard coding…

And on top of all that, you have no time for your family or for fun, because you spend all available time learning and learning…


Path Two: you will go figure out how to do this yourself. 

Because you now understand that skills are valuable and having a focus on a BIG problem will get you where you want to get…

So, you will go down this path, of learning how to practice. Learning how to define your focus. Learning how skills work. Learning how to learn.

Yes, that is possible. I’ve been doing this for years.

You can watch countless YouTube videos. Read many different books.

Try to match the research done with top musicians and soccer players and convert it to the software developer career…(that’s tricky!).

You can do what I did, and go talk with many Java Champions and MVPs and open source developers…

Or, if you don’t know them, you can try to understand how they get better by watching their amazing live-coding videos…(hint: it’s not the same thing…).

It may sound like you are saving a few bucks…

But just ONE of the dozens of books I had to research to understand this myself, already costs as much as this program here…

Not even counting how much time I spent!

Figuring this out…

Understanding what top developers do…

Experimenting by helping AMAZING developers to succeed…

Hundreds of hours trying the techniques while training thousands of speakers and developers…

Time that YOU could be investing in growing YOUR career…

And even after all of that, it would just give you the theory… And you would still need to go apply it…

By yourself. Without the experience of what works and what doesn’t…


But there is a better path…

You can join me on The Developer Skills Mastering System.

Here you will acquire the correct learning skills. Will stop feeling overwhelmed and tired. Will focus on the right things. Will get amazing opportunities for your career

You will do this with my help. Following a proven process that works. 

When you have focus, you can support your team, be the developer they need.

When you know how to practice, you are the go-to person to implement the cool projects.

When you have clear goals, your family can count on you. You can count on yourself.

When you take control of your career, you have confidence. There are no limits.

Together we can get there. I’m committed. Now it’s your turn.


Get it TODAY for ONLY

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